Finally I am gettting around to sharing some of the crafts that Caleb made this summer at campmeeting. He made lots and had a fun time making each of them. Today I'll share the Jonah craft he made.
The kids cut out a whale shape from craft foam. ( the brad shown there is to hold it together because the craft foam was too small and 2 peices had to be used.)

On the back they taped a party favor thingy (what's it called??)

On the very end of the party favor thingy (still can't think of what it is called) they taped a picture of Jonah. So, when they blew on the party favor, it looked like Jonah was being spit out of the whale. You may be able to see it if you click on the picture to enlarge it.
Caleb says in his best british voice (as if he were anchoring the BBC news) "And in 3 days Jonah got spat out of the whale." lol ;o)

On the very end of the party favor thingy (still can't think of what it is called) they taped a picture of Jonah. So, when they blew on the party favor, it looked like Jonah was being spit out of the whale. You may be able to see it if you click on the picture to enlarge it.

Caleb says in his best british voice (as if he were anchoring the BBC news) "And in 3 days Jonah got spat out of the whale." lol ;o)
Very cool craft! I'm always looking for new crafts for VBS, Adventurers or AY, so I know I'll get a chance to use it.
I love this idea! I'm going to be doing it with my kids tomorrow. :)
and the party favor thingys are called "blowouts" hehe
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