Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Sometimes I wish I didn't need to come up with a title for my post. Technically I could leave it blank, but somehow I feel the need to name it. Strange!! lol :o)

There is really no name for this post. I'm just rambling about my day. We left here early today and didn't get back til about 3:00pm. It was such a beautiful day, that when we got home, I did a quick load of laundry and got it hung out on the line. I looovvveee hanging things on my clothes line!! Good thing too because our dryer has been broke for a few months now. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I wanted to take advantage of the sunshine.

My husband cooked supper. :o) I did the dishes while our son cleaned out the van. He had to get out his things, any garbage and any recyclables one of (or both) his grandmothers gave him that were in there. After I did the dishes, I went out to get my things, etc., out of the van and then vacuumed it out. Wow! It looks so much better! I always say that we will stay on top of things and not let it get messy again, but of course it does. lol :o)

Then it was time to bring in my laundry, fold it and put it away. That drawer really needs to get a tidy and quick!! lol :o) I think I will try to tackle my son's drawers too. I need to sort through what he has outgrown and pack away some of his long-sleeved shirts to make room for his summer clothes.

Never a dull moment. ;o)


Not the Waltons said...

Sometimes I dislike having to come up with a title as well, lol :o)

Sounds like a lovely day! How nice for the man to cook for you!! I love it when hubby willy step up like that :o)

Oh boy!! The whole "seasonal dresser declutter and refill" time has come, huh? I have several things to go through in the garage just to make enough room to go through the dressers! lol :o)

Hope your plans are getting started and going well! Speaking of work, guess I better get of of here and find my next cleaning project, hubby will be home soon!


Nicole said...

I feel exactly the same way about titles!! I get the feeling sometimes that I'm being redundant with them...but then again, as long as it's been a while, no one will notice, right?

So how do you dry clothes on the line without getting puckers in them where the pins hold them on the line?? I want to start doing this, but can't stand like when you put something wet on a hanger and then there are little humps on the shoulders??'s the little things!!