Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We have snow !!

It started snowing late yesterday afternoon and stopped just before lunch time today. These are a few pictures I took today.

My little snow man. :o)


Debbie Ann said...

Looks like you live in a Log Home. Do you live in/near the mountains? I have been wanting to live in the mountains for several years now. I've actually prayed for it, if He sees fit to move us.

Currently, we live in a rural area of NW Indiana. I'd really like to live in a more secluded place... the mountains seem perfect for that. Also, I've been reading what Sister White has to say about Country Living. My sister found an SDA website that is sharing the importance of getting out of the cities in these last days. Here's the site if you're interested.

I received some DVD's from them that are VERY good! The next one I'd like to get from them is the one they've recently put out on gardening. I've watched the 20 min. sample they have on their website. I think the information is invaluable. Try to visit them when you can. :-)

Lisa said...

Hi Debbie,

Yes we have a log home. It was a kit that we bought and built. Kinda like Lincoln Logs. ;o) The logs are rounded on the outside, but flat inside so it's good for hanging pictures etc.

No, we don't live in the mountains, just a big hill. ;o) I love the peace and quiet here though. We live in the country and are about 45 minutes from the city.

I'll take a picture of the house sometime when the snow clears and post it.

Have a great day. :o)

Debbie Ann said...

Oh, that wold be great! I'd love to see your log home. :-)

Do you get to see much wildlife from your property? We mainly see deer, coyote, and various birds. We saw a King Fisher for the first time on our property last summer. It drew quite a lot of attention from us. lol What I really long to see though are moose & elk.

Just curious... do you have neighbors very close by?

Enjoy your hilltop!